
Here are a few helpful tips to increase your air conditioner’s efficiency and keep your home cool during the hot summer months.

  • Build a pergola or other shade-giving structure on the west side of your house. A vine-covered pergola will allow cool breezes and won’t trap heat.
  • Position porches, decks, and patios on east side of your home. They will be warm in the morning and cool during the late day heat.
  • When choosing ground cover remember that light-colored stone and concrete reflect more heat, while darker stone and wood chips will absorb the heat.
  • Placing trees on the south and west of your house will help filter direct sun from the house. Well-positioned trees could save you up to 25% of your home’s energy.
  • Consider adding a water feature to your outdoor space. It will be cooling physically but also psychologically.
  • Create funnel breezes through you property by planting a row of trees on one side and a wall on the other. It will encourage cooling breezes through the property and around the house.
  • Planting a cluster of trees can act like a low-tech air conditioner for the entire property. Creating a cooling zone which breezes can distribute throughout the property.

Need help from a professional?

Home & Turf has knowledgeable staff that can work with you to apply some of these tips to your commercial or residential property. We offer a full-range of landscape, hardscape, design, and maintenance services in the Richmond – Hampton Roads – Northern Neck triangle of Virginia. Contact us for a free consultation for your next outdoor project!

Serving Richmond, Williamsburg, Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, Yorktown, Kilmarnock, Tappahannock, and surrounding areas.